Type 1 Diabetes

I have posted the story of discovering my Diabetes, you can find my story here.

I really would like to share more information about Diabetes.. of course I am Type 1 Diabetic.  Technically, I can only speak for 0.26 percent of the US population but to whoever I can speak with or help be there to support, I am here. I have not found too many posts to associate with my diabetes, I guess I realized it was quite hard to find people interested in how many shots I take a day, and how my A1C is. I also realize that needles make people sick too..
Recently , I have felt an overwhelming urge to put my name out there as an advocate for Diabetes, tell stories that will mainly only relate to a diabetic struggles and battles.  Most importantly just help in raising awareness, and to answer any questions you have. Even if it is not you that might need assistance, but a co-worker or family member- shoot it to me, I would be glad to give my input. (OBVS) just experience... no initials at the end of my name.

I am also entering a long and harsh struggle with Diabetes and pre-conception. Prepping my body in the most intimate and detailed ways to assure that I am working to keep our future baby healthy and momma too! As I figure out how to jump in, bare with me...
Until then, please reach out for any help needed.

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