Thursday, February 27, 2014

Tidbits on me..

Hello there.

Here are some tidbits you might not know about me...

  • I am deathly afraid of spiders. I have nightmares on the reg. if I see one during the daytime.

  • I have never broken a bone. Although, I do think I had stubbed my little toe enough to feel like I broke it.

  • I played select softball. My. Entire. Childhood. My nickname was "Big Guns", I could launch that ball with my arm, or the bat, played short stop. - One of my best accomplishments yet.

  • I LOVE FOOD, I will say it all day, I was supposed to be a 600 lb. person. Maybe God said, No, here is Diabetes to slow your love of food down.

  • I love my hair, its my thing-when I was school-age, I hid behind it, used it as my comfort. I love doing hair, fixing, cutting,coloring, styling! Just ask Alexandria, she'll tell ya ;)

  • I am a total lover- not a fighter, but my mom and husband would like to say that I can argue the heck out of anything. Or, I would have made a mean attorney.

  • I do not have a lot of friends, but I love people. As a child my mom would tell you that I could make friends with a brick wall if it talked back.

  • The older I get, the more I realize, I AM getting older lol. I kind of love it..

  • I love to clean, I hate doing the laundry.

  • I have lost a brother and my father, both were too young to go, but I know they are still with me.

  • I love the nature and outdoorsy things- in moderation, after a while I worry there are spiders around me. I went camping once, but stayed in a double-wide instead of a tent (furnished with a T.V.)

  • I love to tell jokes, but am terrible at it.-Knock Knock- who's there- Boo- Boo who?-  Don't cry please. SEE??

  • Lastly-- better make this a good one... I have four tattoos! They are all covered, unless I say so...with the exception of the Kanji sign for beauty, on my foot. LISTEN TO YOUR MOTHERS WHEN THEY TELL YOU... "Do not get visible tattoos, if you plan on working in the corporate setting." DANG, should have listened mom :)

Well I hope this is entertaining for you.
I would love to hear something interesting about you, too!

Chat Soon-


  1. Hi! I have nominated you for The Liebster Award! For more information on how to proceed check out my blog post!

    All Beauty Confessions <3

  2. It's a very good thing to never have broken a bone! And spiders are evil little critters!

  3. Great get to know you interview! Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thank you, you have a fabulous blog!
