Monday, August 26, 2013

Bubbles, Projects, Elephants...

Oh MY...

We had a fabulous 3 day weekend.

Friday, we needed to get our little one glasses and a physical. Check. Check.

This weekend felt extremely relaxing and productive...


Protein Smoothie and honey-dew milk tea

 My sweet husband, killing time building scrabble homes...

love him

He makes me smile... BIG.

So, I lost Cesar at some point in Joann's while foam searching, this is what wondered back to me.

Inappropriate, right?
 Handy man- sewing the cushion cover as I trim foam..

This is where our little Lucas likes to sleep, it is warm.


I hope you all had a great weekend!

Until tomorrow.


  1. He is just like those sour patch commercials... Sour, then sweet. :)Have a great day darling!

